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Workflow Battery Case for Apple iPhone SE/SE2/SE3/8
SKU: 114021BW4130
UPC: 840283907302
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Workflow Battery Case for Apple iPhone SE/SE2/SE3/8
SKU: 114021BW4130
UPC: 840283907302
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Introducing the UAG Workflow Battery Case for Apple iPhone SE/SE2/SE3/8

This is our rugged battery case for enterprise, built to provide a continuous charge for the iPhone for 24/7 device operation. With 12 feet of drop protection, the workflow case is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use in almost any environment.  The lightweight and slim rugged design  keeps the device both comfortable to carry on the move and easy to operate. It includes an adjustable and removable hand strap for added security  and improved grip.  It also meets the military standard 810 G of 12 feet.  Choose from one of three charging solutions and utilize the built in 3000 milli-amp-hour hot swappable battery to experience 24/7 device workflow capabilities.  The optional 5000 milli-amp-hour extended battery pack keeps your device running even longer without needing to swap the battery and is perfect for devices running processor intensive applications or when operating the device outdoors where brighter displays are required. Available today for the iPhone SE, iPhone 12, iPhone 13, and iPhone 14 models. With cable free charging options that can charge up to five devices at one time.  Extend the number of places you can utilize an iPhone and extend the battery life once it gets there.  Maximize efficiency and speed in the most demanding iPhone environments.

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The UAG Workflow Ecosystem
Products specifically designed to work together seamlessly within your workflow and protect the products you use the most.
Protection Cases
With a built-in hot-swappable battery pack and charging accessories, it provides uninterrupted 24/7 performance out of your iPhone device.
Screen Protectors
The Workflow Industrial Grade Screen Protector is infused with non-Newtonian fluids, commonly used in personal protective equipment, which provides the highest shock resistance for the most rigorous applications.
With the ability to swap batteries in a matter of seconds, the devices on the floor will never come close to losing charge and halting your operations ever again.
Charging Docks
Our new workflow ecosystem is built to run without pause, using integrated batteries that can be quickly swapped while on the go. Keep these extra batteries ready when you need them most.
The UAG Workflow Ecosystem
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